
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use your data? Do I need to credit Veriv Africa?
Absolutely! You are encouraged to use the data available on Veriv Africa. Kindly credit Veriv Africa when utilizing our curated material. We're also excited to see the insightful content you create, so feel free to tag @VerivAfrica on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Can I upload my own datasets to the Veriv Africa website?
Veriv Africa primarily relies on data provided by Federal Government (FG) Ministries, Departments & Agencies (MDAs). As such, we don't currently accept crowd-sourced datasets. However, if you know of potential government data sources, we're keen to hear from you. Please email to recommend data.
Why do you mostly use government data?
Veriv Africa prioritises government data for its consistency and screening for bias. We aim to provide reliable, nonpartisan information. To maintain neutrality, data curated by think tanks, academics, or outlets expressing a particular viewpoint about the data is not included.
How often is your data updated?
Our core metrics are sourced from government agencies, typically on an annual basis. However, we update datasets regularly as government agencies release monthly numbers. Additionally, we publish weekly reports on various data topics in the news.
Why is some of your data old?
We publish the most up-to-date government numbers available. Delays in data collection and release can occur due to funding or staffing levels at government agencies.
How do you address reliability and quality issues within government data? How do readers know it is nonpartisan?
Government data is primarily collected by career statisticians who work independently of various administrations. While not perfect, Veriv Africa believes government data is the most reliable and verifiable source of information about Nigeria. Our metrics highlight any issues regarding data collection, such as the last reporting time or the number of reporting jurisdictions.
How do readers know it is nonpartisan?
Government data is primarily collected by career statisticians who work independently of various administrations. While not perfect, Veriv Africa believes government data is the most reliable and verifiable source of information about Nigeria. Our metrics highlight any issues regarding data collection, such as the last reporting time or the number of reporting jurisdictions.
Do you provide government data for other countries?
Currently, Veriv Africa focuses on providing data exclusively for Nigeria.
When is the API going to be available?
Veriv Africa is actively working on developing a public API (Application Programming Interface) to enable interaction with data on other websites. While we do not have a set release date, stay tuned for updates on this exciting development.