
With Veriv Africa, you will get smarter about Nigeria and Africa!

Veriv Africa is not just a platform; it is a movement towards a future where data is not a limitation but a liberator. We envision a landscape where businesses thrive, investors make astute choices, institutions operate with foresight, and governments implement policies grounded in a deep understanding of the dynamics at play.

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Our Story

Our journey at Veriv Africa emerges from a profound realisation that one must first understand the present to navigate the future. We recognise the imperative for a transformation—a departure from the conventional to embrace a data-driven future.

Change is innocuous, yet it can evoke fear when the familiar is disrupted. Over time, familiarity breeds consistency, and in that consistency, we find comfort. Our lives revolve around this predictability, and we become docile, tethered to the known. It is this contentment with familiarity and refusal to reach for further heights that Veriv desires to disrupt.

Our Mission

To provide comprehensive insights into Nigeria's economic and political landscape through rigorous research and diverse expert perspectives. We aim to empower stakeholders with data for informed decision-making, ultimately contributing to Nigeria's progress and prosperity.

Our Core Values

Our Vision

We envision a future where every decision-maker in Nigeria, from businesses to policymakers, is equipped with unparalleled insights derived from rigorous data analysis. We aspire to be the go-to platform for real-time updates and serve as a trusted guide for stakeholders to navigate the complexities of Nigeria's economic, business, and political terrain with confidence and precision.

“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.”

-Albert Einstein

Meet the Team

Solomon Nkang

Solomon Nkang



Basil Abia

Basil Abia



Omotayo J. Faro

Omotayo J. Faro


Managing Director

Chideraa Ike-Akaenyi

Chideraa Ike-Akaenyi



Want to Join Our Team?

We leverage various technologies and domain expertise to turn data into actionable intelligence and
help professionals in Nigeria make better data-driven decisions.

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