
How Many Active Voice Subscribers Are in Nigeria?


Published: 14th Feb, 2024

3min Read

In the third quarter of 2023, Nigerian telecoms saw significant growth in their active voice and internet subscribers across the country. Data shows us that the total number of active voice subscribers in that quarter alone grew to 221,769,883 from the 212,201,578 it was in the third quarter of 2022. This shows a significant 4.51% growth rate.

How Many Active Internet Subscribers Are in Nigeria?

During the same period (Q3 2023), the total number of active internet subscribers in Nigeria rose to 160,171,125 from 152,784,980, indicating a 4.83% increase. 

What State Has the Highest Number of Active Voice Subscribers?

In the third quarter of 2023, Lagos state led the pack, with 27,043,333 active voice subscribers. Ogun state came a close second, with 13,136,247 subscribers and Kano state, third, with 12,192,122. 

What State Has the Lowest Number of Active Voice Subscribers?

In Q3 2023, Bayelsa recorded the lowest number of active voice subscribers, with 1,558,509 users. Gombe state was a little ahead of Bayelsa with 2,643,899 users, while Yobe state climbed a bit to secure the 2,760,261 spot. 

What State Has the Highest Number of Active Internet Subscribers?

Lagos state again, dominated the internet space in the third quarter of 2023, with 19, 188, 745 active internet subscribers, making it the state with the highest number. Ogun state marked its presence with 9,538,622, coming second to Lagos, while Kano secured the third-place position with 8,712,782. 

What State Has the Lowest Number of Active Internet Subscribers?

Once again, we saw Bayelsa state lead the rear in Q3 2023, recording only 1,195,580 active subscribers. Zamfara and Gombe states were also contenders for the lowest number of active internet subscribers, with 1,863,686 and 1,909,498 respectively. 

What Network Provider Had the Highest Number of Subscribers in 2023?

MTN Nigeria emerged as the network provider with the highest number of subscribers in Q3 2023, with  68,573,680 subscribers. Glo came a close second, with  43,981,204 subscribers, while Airtel Nigeria had 43,142,286 in the third-place position. 

How Did Nigerians Port in 2023?

Data from Q3 2023 shows us that 2346 users ported to MTN, while 315 users ported out, making MTN the service provider with the largest number of migrating users. Airtel came close, with 784 users migrating to the network in Q3 2023 and 370 leaving. Glo had only 200 users leave their platform, while 191 users joined the family. 

Where Does the Data Come From?

All data cited in this report were sourced from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) in conjunction with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) via:


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